Goblin Diaries, Vol 15: A Queen in Zemburith

 From the November 15, 2024 Newsletter:

Evening, 26th Day of Winter Moon, 1218th Year, Human Age of Magic …

There must be a queen in Zemburith.

Today I was fishing on the eastern edge of the swamp. I’d been wary of that area, where a raised earthen road is well maintained. It’s an alternate overland route through the forest to Azurith and parts north. Although it is much less travelled than the river route, I didn’t want to risk the chance of discovery.

But the bowfin are plentiful there, and I had almost filled a basket I’d woven from cane for the purpose, when I felt the thrum of marching feet vibrating through the water.

Fearing another search party—I hadn’t encountered one all day—I hunkered down in the reeds beside the roadway, trying to stay as quiet and undetectable as possible.

Soon, a column of soldiers appeared, marching six abreast, headed north. They were red-eyed zombies, like the ones that attacked Bokdu’s village and those that had guarded me in the dungeons. But these were in full battle armor, each carrying a long spear and a shield that covered them from shoulder to knee, with a curved scimitar strapped to their belts.

I had never seen so many of them together in one place. I watched the better part of an hour as the column passed by, with no end in sight, when a large litter born by ten yoked mind slaves appeared in their midst bearing the king himself.

He, too, was in full battle armor, though his black breastplate and helm were trimmed in gold. And his scimitar held a glowing red jewel in its pommel—Ka’il Idreth, the Sword That Sings.

The fool warlock must have found his queen, fitting yet another missing piece into the puzzle of the prophecy. And now he is marching to Azurith to begin building his empire.

I watched the column march north for another hour, my heart sinking with each legion that passed by. Finally, I gave up on seeing its end and snuck away back to my temporary campsite deeper in the swamp.

I’m afraid my last vestige of hope for retrieving Ka’il Idreth and completing my mission to return the artifact to the Protectorate is gone. Further, it is too late to warn my superiors in time to prevent the carnage that is sure to come. The only thing I can do now is return to them and file a report.

I must leave Ozua while I still can.

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