About The Author
194.8 Hi, folks. This week’s post is a day early. My son and I are taking off for a long-overdue visit to Grandma’s this weekend. I have no guarantee I’ll be able to find a wifi connection for my laptop, so I figured I better go ahead and ‘git her done’, because… … there’s some big news! The new book is being released officially on Halloween Day. In fact, it's availbable now on Kindle (see the link at the bottom of the page). And t o kick off the Halloween release of The Dragon of Doughton Park, the wonderful Mary at APageAway has organized a week long blog tour starting Monday. Check out the dates and blog stops on the cool banner she worked up! In addition to reviews and interviews, there will be some nifty prizes given away, including the wolf-themed book marks by Fangspiration and the book itself. As you know if you’ve been following my blog, beta readers have startled me with their enthusiastic reactions to the second of the Red Wolf novels,