Goblin Diaries, Vol 16: The Way Out of Ozua
From the 12/20/24 newsletter: Early evening, 28th Day of Winter Moon, 1218 th Year, Human Age of Magic … It’s the eve of the New Year for the humans in Zemburith, and the celebration in the city should be the perfect distraction to cover my escape from the Swamp of Ozua. I’ve managed to eavesdrop on some of the conversations of the women in the search parties looking for me the last few days. The new queen has given the soldiers of the Seventh Legion a leave of three days to spend with their families, so the celebration in the city promises to be particularly raucous. I’ve also heard there is a tradition where folks gather at the western edge of the swamp to send candles in colorful paper boats over the falls symbolizing the letting go of grievances from the past year and wishes for the year to come. With all that going on, I suspect the eastern edge of the swamp to be deserted, and I can use the distractions and the cover of night for my escape. Getting away will be th...