Coming soon...
Very few of my readers will remember this. Well, that's because my readers are very few. And you have to be of a certain age, so that really narrows it down. But anyway, when I used to go to the movies as a kid, before the previews started, they’d flash up on the screen, COMING SOON… (Nowadays you just get a ratings screen assuring you the following is appropriate for the audience – whether it’s appropriate or not. But that’s beside the point.) Last week I put up my first ever blog post. And, surprisingly, I got a few dozen visits the first day. I even got a comment from a friend who suggested I add the option to follow by email. I’m embarrassed to say it has taken me the entire week to figure out how to do that, but if you scroll to the bottom of the page, there it is. Lucky y’all. So I spent so much time trying to figure out the follow-by-email option that I didn’t come up with anything clever to blog about. Therefore, I thought I’d try to wow you with vacant