
Showing posts from April, 2013

Does Art Imitate Life

Hi, everybody. Or, maybe I should say, “G’day,” since I’m delighted that my favorite Aussie, the lovely, talented, slightly-wacky, author/blogger Kristy Berridge posted an interview with me on her blog this week. Feel free to hop over and check it out, then come back here so I can ramble on about something loosely related to one of the questions she posed.                                                                       Kristy's Blog So, now…        Is art a reflection of life? That’s what they say, but is it really? I wonder sometimes, because when my characters pull something like one of them did this week, it makes me question my writing. Don’t look at me like that. Yeah, I know I used the terms ‘art’ and ‘my writing’ in the same paragraph. Let’s don’t go there, okay? For the sake of argument let’s just say my writing is art. Good. That’s out of the way. We can proceed. I enjoy watching the effects of the emotional baggage my characters have on their develo

Featuring Red Tash

  Hi, everybody! Today’s is a very special post for me, because I get to promote (and interview!) one of my favorite authors, Red Tash. For those of you who follow my blog, you know that I reviewed her dark fantasy, Troll or Derby, in June of last year and her name crops up in my ramblings periodically. Well, this weekend, there is a crazy-ass sale going on where Troll or Derby is available as an ebook for only 99 cents . I can’t think of anyone I know (with the possible exception of my mother-in-law), who wouldn’t love this book. I mean, you are crazy not to read this book , so as a service to y’all I have posted the purchase links following my review (and the five stars) below.     So, who is Red Tash, anyway?   “ Red Tash is a journalist-turned-novelist of dark fantasy for readers of all ages. Monsters, SciFi, wizards, trolls, fairies, and roller derby lightly sautéed in a Southern/Midwestern sauce await you in her pantry of readerly delights. Y'all come, anytime.”

Clifford and Claire, Scene 7

Hi, folks. I had a great weekend hiking around the North Carolina mountains, and I’m pleased to say that more of the story of the Red Wolf was revealed to me while on my quest.  Today I have another excerpt from my upcoming novel, Red Wolf Rising .    But f irst, a quick reminder: Today’s the last day to get my books free on Smashwords. Just use the coupon code to the right of the Smashwords link at the bottom of this post.    Now, more of Clifford and Claire…    I’ve only hinted at it in the first two books, but those who’ve read them may have gleaned that Claire (aka, Claws-on-the-Foot), has had a disappointing history with romantic relationships over her thousand-year life. (I think that makes her a perfect match for Clifford Crane.) She’s a bit surprised to find she has an attraction for this man, and it keeps getting in the way of the business she has with him – to turn him into the Red Wolf of Prophecy.    In the last post, we saw her invite him to her apartment.

Clifford and Claire, Scene 6

  Hi, folks. I have a few more excerpts from my upcoming novel, Red Wolf Rising that I’ll be posting this time and next. I’m also posting this one a little early so I can pack up and head for a little weekend road trip to the mountains for some hiking and idea-gathering. I’ve decided I deserve it, even if no one else does!    First, a quick reminder: Both my books are free in any electronic format you need at Smashwords through April 15th! Just use the coupon code to the right of the Smashwords link at the bottom of this post.    Now, on to today’s post…    I appreciate the little bit of feedback I’ve gotten from these excerpts, but the more the merrier. I take great store in what y’all say, so don’t be shy. I want this to be awesome by the time it hits publication, and y’all can help me out with suggestions.    At this point in the story, Claire is 90% sure she wants to reveal to Clifford that she’s a werewolf, in the hopes that he will agree to allow himself to become