Goblin Diaries, Vol 11: Imprisoned!

 From the July 19, 2024 Newsletter:

10th Day of Winter Moon, 1218th Year, Human Age of Magic …

I cannot imagine finding myself in more dire straits. I have been abducted by the warlock Mazuom and stripped of all my possessions, along with any means of contacting the Protectorate for help.

It seems that, as soon as I left Holly’s Landing, the faeries removed Ka’il Idreth from its hiding place, and the artifact called out to the nearest human with Fae blood. The warlock now holds the Sword That Sings and, as I write, draws power from it. The very thing I set out to prevent has happened, and I am powerless to do anything about it.

I write this entry from a cell in the dungeons beneath the tower that watches over Zemburith. I’m a prisoner, with only the clothes I was wearing when Mazuom attacked the village of Milabua. My clothes are already turning to rags under the harsh treatment I have received. By my reckoning, it has been three days since the warlock torched the village and brought me here, but that’s just a guess, since there is no cycle of light and darkness here to judge the passage of time.

Luckily, this journal is of elven design, capable of phasing itself in and out of this dimension, and Mazuom’s lackeys did not find it on my person. I must find a way to escape, although I have no idea where to run should I accomplish it. In the meantime, I’ll continue to make these journal entries as long as my health and sanity remain, in the hopes that someone may one day read of my plight and hold those responsible accountable.

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