Gathering Questions for Clifford

 (Taken from the March 3rd newsletter)

Hi, Pack Members!

As many of you know, I'm currently working on my eighth novel with Clifford Crane as the male protagonist. After four centuries of adventuring, I've finally persuaded him to agree to an interview. I was a bit surprised he conceded, considering what I've put him through over the years. But he said he'd do it, and Clifford is a man of his word.

The full interview will be published in my newsletter update later this month and also posted on this blog. In the meantime, I'm trying to gather some pithy questions for the interview. If any of you have something you've always wanted to ask Clifford, click the link to my Google Form below and ask it. Even if your question doesn't make it into the official interview, I'll make sure you get a direct answer via email. Here's the link: <Ask Clifford Crane a Question>

In other news, I want to thank everyone who participated in the Decision 2023 Survey last month. So far, there seems to be the most support for my next writing project to be an urban fantasy sequel to the Red Wolf Saga, featuring Clifford Crane's offspring. If you didn't get a chance to give input last month, I'm keeping the survey open for a while. Again, I have four options in mind for my next series, all described in the survey. Feel free to click on the link to log your opinion.  <Decision 2023 Survey>

Progress Notes: This morning I crossed the 53k word mark on my first draft of Halves and Half Nots, the third book in the Spaceship Huey Adventures series. My target is 90-95k words by June 1st, when I have to submit it to my first beta reader. It's getting more and more fun as I go along.

Featured Reading Recommendation: I've been reading some of the top rated sword & sorcery titles while doing research for one of my proposed projects. I'm currently devouring this one. It's action-packed, to say the least.

Court of Assassins: The Ranger Archives Volume 1

by Phillip C. Quaintrell



In those halls of darkness, where children are taken from the world and given to shadow and dust, Asher is destined for that same fate. He will become the myth. He will become the legend. He will become the whisper of Death itself.

That which is was is dead, forgotten. Now he is a blade in the dark, a weapon to be wielded by his masters. A killer.

Yet, despite all his training and years of spilling blood, there is a crack in Asher's conditioning. Something within him is broken, unbound even. A sliver of humanity has survived and dreams of freedom. Now, standing on a knife's edge, his mind threatens to unravel, taking him from the only path he has ever known and away from the clutches of Nightfall.

It has never been done. Exile is not a choice. It is a death sentence.

But there is another life that calls to him, a life roaming the wilds and protecting the innocent from the monsters which would prey upon them. Hunting monsters, however, is no easy task, especially when Asher himself is hunted by those who would drag him back to Nightfall. Back to the darkness.

Well, that's all for now, folks.
See you next time, and ...
Happy Reading!
-Red Wolf John

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