Writing Isn't Everything

I’ve been in a little production slump lately. Work on Red Wolf Rising has stalled while I ponder ways to correct some defects my editing team pointed out in the first draft of part one. In addition, I’ve gotten sidetracked with trying to get my new web site up and running.
And I’m not alone. I’ve noticed a number of social media posts lately from other members of my little writing circle bemoaning similar roadblocks in their paths. When such things happen, many of us tend to beat ourselves up about it.
So I decided to give us all a little pep talk.

Writing isn’t everything. It…

…is not “the answer”

All my life I’ve dealt with the problem of finding something that’s new and interesting - or just makes me feel good - and thinking, Oh, this is it, the thing I was born to do – the thing that will make me whole. The first hit I got playing baseball, the first ace I served up in tennis, the first laugh I got from a joke I told, rock and roll, drugs, any number of women at one time or another… the list goes on.
It happened once more a few years back when I started writing again, finished my first novel, published, and had some people really like it. What fun! How interesting! How stimulating! I’m working on my third novel, and I’ve written something most days since October of 2010. Writing has improved the quality of my life, and I can’t imagine not doing it now.
It has contributed to the wholeness of my being, but it hasn’t made me whole.

…does not define me.

… and that’s a good thing.
When folks ask the question, are you a writer, I’ll answer, yes. But there’s always a half second of hesitation, because I’m much more. I wear lots of hats, including father, son, educator, counselor, and friend (both in need and indeed).

…is not the foundation of my self esteem.

… thank god.
I have to admit, the first time someone told me they really liked The Draculata Nest, I was on Cloud Nine for days. And every time I get a five-star review on Amazon or Goodreads my head swells a little, for sure. But, I’ll tell you a secret, what I write isn’t for everyone and not everyone likes it. Not even me, sometimes.
So, it’s good that my feelings of self-worth stem from other sources.

And, after all, I have other hobbies and interests.

I also play the guitar and write songs, so I have other creative outlets. And, do you know any writer that isn’t also an avid reader? I’m no exception to that rule. I like movies, too; and I can stay glued to the TV screen for hours watching all sorts of crap.

And I love being outdoors. So you can often find me hiking, backpacking, playing softball, paddling a canoe, or riding my bike. When it comes right down to it, I’m a pretty well-rounded individual. So… no, writing isn’t everything…

… It’s just way ahead of whatever’s in second place.


Well, did that help any struggling writers out there? Let me know. The comments section is just past the ads for my books.

Next week I’ll be doing a review of a neat little book I’m reading, The Legacy of Daddy, a science fiction offering from Angus H. Day.
        Until then, Happy Reading!

The Draculata Nest -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Click on the link to order:
ebook for Kindle                                            in Paperback     
ebook for Nook                                              in Charlotte                    
ebook for Kobo                                              Smashwords

The Dragon of Doughton Park ----------------------------------------------------------

Click on the link to order:
ebook for Kindle                                                                   in Paperback
ebook for Nook                                                                     in Charlotte
ebook for Kobo                                                                     Smashwords


  1. Thanks, John. Yes, that did help a bit. My problem is there isn't room for anything else, thanks to my day job - writing or otherwise. I promise not to make any knee-jerk decisions while I see how everything plays itself out.



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