Holiday Giveaway

Happy Tuesday evening, folks.

  Well, we’re well into the holiday season here in the Piedmont region of the Carolinas, and since I started this blog back in May lots has happened. The Draculata Nest was re-issued with a new cover. The Dragon of Doughton Park, second in the Red Wolf series, was published. We’ve read and reviewed books, participated in blog tours, posted character profiles, and expressed our opinions on subjects mundane and insane.

   Looking back, blogging was never something I particularly wanted to do. But I was advised early on that it was something I would need to do as a writer in order to sell books, no matter how good the books might be. So I bit the bullet, learned the rudiments of Google’s Blogger, and started posting. I got all of nine hits my first post.

   Over the summer, I developed further reservations about my blogging chore. My commitment to a weekly post consumed much of my creative energy, and it began to interfere with my regular writing. Plus, it became a forum for broken promises as I regularly lied about the release date of my second novel, which kept having to be postponed for one reason or another.

   But along the way, I picked up a follower or two. I got a nice comment here and there on a post. I met other bloggers and a few fans who have provided much appreciated support. And I’ve been gratified to watch as the number of weekly hits doubled, tripled, and quadrupled. It’s high time I expressed my appreciation in more than just words.
  It’s time for a…
Holiday Giveaway!
   Starting this week through January 6th, I’ll give away an ebook each week (either The Draculata Nest or The Dragon of Doughton Park) in whatever format the winner requests. Just leave a comment with your name or tagline. Each Sunday, I’ll eeny-meeny-miny-moe from all the comments for the week and reply to the winner’s comment so we can hook up and exchange info on how to pick up their book. So, leave a comment for your chance to win!

Expanded Distribution for the Red Wolf Novels
    I am pleased to announce that both The Draculata Nest and The Dragon of Doughton Park are now available for kobo readers! Kobo is a very popular program for reading on many ebook readers, smart phones and computers. The software is free and can be downloaded from many public library sites as well as Kobo eBooks own Web site at free Kobo apps.
   So from now on you’ll find links to buy my books for Kobo at the bottom of these blog posts along with those for kindle, nook and paperbacks. Enjoyable, inexpensive, and a great gift idea!

You can purchase my books through the following venues…

The Draculata Nest -----------------------------------------------------------------------

The Dragon of Doughton Park ----------------------------------------------------------
 Until next time… Happy Reading!


  1. Reading The Draculata Nest and liking it-Clifford meeting Heather and the rest just bumped it up to a 3 star read for me!

    1. Glad to hear, Midu. Hope it goes even higher as you get towards the end!


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