
Showing posts from September, 2024

Goblin Diaries, Vol 13: Escape!

  From the 09/20/24 newsletter: 25th Day of Winter Moon, 1218 th Year, Human Age of Magic … I’m still unsure of the date, but I now have hopes that I can verify and track it accurately, for I have escaped! I am writing this from a temporary hiding place in a copse of cypress trees in the great swamp that forms the northern border of the castle in Zemburith, where I spent my first night of freedom. I waited until morning to make this entry, afraid the glow from the screen of my journal might draw attention from some sentinel in one of the high castle towers. My escape opportunity presented itself yesterday afternoon when the physician returned to extract my infected tooth. He was unable to get permission to take me to his offices in the city, which had been my hope, but he was accompanied by two of Mazuom’s mind slaves who shackled me and took me to another room in the castle where there was at least some light for the physician to work by. The “operating room” they had chosen