History of The Dragon, Part 2

Hi, folks. I’m late again. I’m afraid that’s going to be the rule rather than the exception while I approach the deadline for Red Wolf Rising. I’m committed to getting the third Red Wolf novel out this Spring, so that’s where my priorities lie until then. Thanks for your patience. In trying to make the most of my writing time, the historical narrative I’m currently posting serves a dual purpose. The story of The Dragon (aka Pieter, aka Dr. Nigel Petros) provides insightful background material for the Red Wolf saga and readers may find it interesting taking that knowledge into the next two books, Red Wolf Rising and Rivers of Red . But I’m also trying to establish a stronger foundation for the next planned series (the Half Human saga), which is centered around Pieter’s quest to reunite with his kind and perhaps reclaim his crown. But first… What I’m Currently Reading… I finally finished Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child’s Brimstone . To be honest, I got a little tired of ...