The Cure For Writer's Block
Hey, folks. Wow, it's been about three weeks since I posted anything. But during my hiatus, I finished up the first half of my next novel and sent it off to my editing team, so it was time well spent. Thanks for your patience. It's good to be back. So, having spent time overcoming some of it myself, now might be a good time to talk about a topic near and fear (not a typo) to my heart... writer's block! What is it? If you look up writer’s block on Wikepedia, you get “ a condition, primarily associated with writing as a profession , in which an author loses the ability to produce new work.” On a grand scale, this can be a career-ending and character debilitating. Perhaps you’ve run out of ideas, or every idea you come up with falls well short of the last work you published, which was well-received. You find yourself spending all your time coming up with excuses for not producing. Finally, you just give up. Yikes. So far, that hasn’t happened to me (unles...